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The area of the Forest District Nowa Sól abounds in the network of nature and forest trials, as well as hiking and bicycle tourist paths.

Through the Forest District Nowa Sól, there run sightseeing trials willingly visited by tourists, such as:

●      Habitat - Sława,

●      Łęgi Nadodrzańskie by educational trial,

●      Habitat - Bytom Odrzański,

●      Góra Świętej Anny Trial - Nowe Miasteczko,

●      Kożuchów - Broniszów,

Nearby the headquarter of the Forest Inspectorate in Forest District Nowa Sól, there was created the Forest Museum and a little arboretum.


Within the area of the Forest District Nowa Sól, there are marked two horse riding paths. The first of them is the part of the bigger path running, among others, through Dalków Hills (Wzgórza Dalkowskie), while the second one is located nearby the village Barcikowice Małe.


Bicycle and hiiking patos within the area of the Forest Distrtrict:

1.  Nature trial „Odra Oxbow Lake (Starorzecze Odry)",

2.  Educational trial  "Łęgi Nadodrzańskie",

3.  Habitat- Bytom Odrzański,

4.  Habitat - Sława,

5.  Bytom Odrzański - Góra św. Anny - Miłaków - Nowe Miasteczko - Solniki,

6.  Kożuchów - Broniszów.


The forest in the Forest District Nowa Sól offers its ground cover riches, which are to attract mushroom pickers , as well as blackberry, raspberry and blue berry pickers.