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Forest management in State Forests is based on the Forest Management Plans created for the Forest District once per 10 years. They are prepared for the State Forests by specialised units, among others by The Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy (BULiGL). The Forest Management Plans are approved by Environment Minister after consultations with society.
Preparation of the plan is always preceded by very precise inventory of stocks and assessment of the forest condition. The foresters specify such forest characteristics as: structure, formation, age, species composition, forest condition, soil and site conditions, etc.. In actions planned to be realised, the aims of forest management and functions the forests perform in arranged forest district, are taken into account.
Contemporary plans of management within forest areas are prepared with the usage of the newest remarkable feats of technology. The most basic and crucial work equipment here is the Forest Digital Mapping (LMN), being a part of Geographic Information System (GIS). The map, in graphical way, processes and presents data collected during field works. For many years in the process of forest management, there have been applied better and better methods of aerial and satellite photo usage, which supplement the results of field works.
The Forest Arrangement Plan should contain among others:
- description of forests and lands destined to be forested,
- forest management analysis in the previous period of time,
- nature preservation program,
- defining the tasks connected with logging the wood, forestation and renewal, nursery and forest protection, hunting and creating the forest infrastructure (buildings, roads).
The Forest Arrangement Plan is basic and the most important document created for each forest district. The forest management is to ensure the forest sustainability, deliver material goods and the ones of social usefulness. Forest management includes such fields as: forestry, nature preservation, geodesy and computer science.