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Areas of protected landscapes, these are protected lands because of distinguishing landscape with varied ecosystems, very valuable in the means of tourism and relax, as well as of wildlife (green) corridors.
Within the area of the Forest District Nowa Sól, the areas of protected landscapes cover about 4502,21 hectares.
- Nowosolska Dolina Odry (Nowa Sól Odra Valley) – with the area of 9 852 ha, on the Forest District lands of 1839,75 ha; within territorial range of the Forest District, there is 36,7% of the total area ;
- Dolina Śląskiej Ochli (Silesian Ochla Valley) - with the area of 10 350 ha, on the Forest District lands of 1344,47 ha; within territorial range of the Forest District, there is 26,9% of the total area ;
- Wzgórza Dalkowskie(Dalków Hills) - with the area of 3 982 ha, on the Forest District lands 1317,99 of ha; the field and forest mosaic landscape is under protection, with advantage of the forest, characterised by diversified relief; within territorial range of the Forest District, there is 48,5% of the total area.
In the areas of protected landscapes there are the following prohibitions on:
- killing protected species of animals living in the wild, destroying their holes, breeding grounds, other shelters and places of their reproduction and spawning areas;
- realisation of Project, that can have significant influence on the environment;
- suppressing or destroying mid-field, roadside and waterside tree stands;
- making changes of water relations, if they are to serve other purposes then nature preservation and balanced usage of agricultural and forest lands, as well as fishing industry;
- suppressing and backfilling of water bodies, transforming water reservoirs, oxbow lakes and water and marsh areas (wetlands);
- locating buildings and installing New devices and investments harmful for the environment or permanently imposing landscape values.