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The Natura 2000 network is the way of fulfilling the European Union obligations imposed by the Convention On Biological Diversity (Rio de Janeiro, 1992). Its main duty is maintenance of biological diversity through protection of the most valuable and rare nature elements – important from the point of view of the whole Europe. This form of protection not only supplement national system of protection, but also gives substantive reasons for natural heritage preservation of bio-geographical regions at the continent level. It is connected with choosing (according defined criteria), and then protecting certain areas.

The basis of selecting the areas of Natura 2000 are habitats and animal species endangered within the territory of European Union countries, listed into two directives:

  • Birds Directives  (2009/147/EC, former  79/409/EEC) – are created on the basis of  Special Protection Areas (SPAs)to protect birds species living in the wild,
  • Habitats Directive  (92/43/EEC) – are created on the basis of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) to protect natural habitats and endangered species of plant and animals.  

Currently in Poland we have got:

  • 145 Special Protection Areas (SPAs) –  they cover 15,6% of the overall country area,
  • 845 areas crucial for the Community, which in the future ( after approving by the Minister of Environment) will constitute  Special Areas of Conservation (SACs)– they cover 11,05% of the overall country area.

In total, the Natura 2000 network covers about 19,7% of the overall country area.


The Natura 2000 network areas of the Forest District Nowa Sól:

- Nowosolska Dolina Odry (Nowa Sól Odra Valley) –(PLH 080014)

The area covering 6 040,30 hectares. The section of Dolina Odry (Odra Valley) extends  from the village Dobrzejowice to  the bridge joining villages Zabór and Bojadła. The region includes typically developed forests areas and riparian shrubland constantly prone to being flooded, and the mosaic of sedge fens, wet meadows and willow shrub.            

Within the territorial range  of the Forest District, there is 8,52% of the overall area.

One of better well-preserved and more natural parts of Dolina Odry ( Odra Valley) is characterised by: 10  types  of habitats from Annex I to Council Directive 92/43/EEC , covering about 77% of the area and  8 types of habitats from Annex II to Council Directive 92/43/EEC.

In Lubusz Voivodeship, there are the best developed and well- preserved forest areas, constantly flooded riparian forests and carpinion betuli forests. Besides, the area constitutes very important ecological (green) corridor.


- Broniszów (PLH 080033)

The area covering 630,0 hectares, located  between Kożuchów and Nowogród Bobrzański, surrounded by the village Broniszów from the west, south and southern east. It is very precious enclave in southern part of Zielona Góra Forests (Bory Zielonogórskie) dominated with coniferous forest stands. In the central part of morphologically diversified area, there is quite small acclivity – Księża Góra. The whole area is located within the territorial range of the Forest District Nowa Sól.

The territory constitutes compact forest complex with fragments of meadows, where live great capricorn beetle, stag beetle (inhabit the areas where the old trees exist), dusky large blue and large copper. In the area, there also occurs European otter. The area can have important meaning as refugia (game-preserving ground) and ecological corridor, however thanks to its location at the southern east edge of Zielona Góra Forests, it can connect Zielona Góra Forests and Puszcza Tarnowska from the east, and Zielona Góra Forests and Bory Dolnośląskie area from  the southern east.


- Nowosolska Dolina Odry  (Nowa Sól Odra Valley) (PLB 080004)

The area covering 33 677,80 hectares. The part of area of  Dolina Odry (Odra Valley) extends from Nowa Sól to Nysa Łużycka River estuary, altogether with the area of Obrzyca River estuary to the River Odra. Numerous oxbow lakes  are here preserved, there are  large complexes of wet meadows, shrubs and riparian forests. Among those last ones, there are sections of riparian trees of Ficario-Ulmetum minoris type (e.g. the complex nearby Krępa) and willow shrubs (Salicetum triandro-viminalis).

Within the territorial range of the Forest District Nowa Sól, there is 5,82% of overall area.

In the area, there are at least 22 birds species from  Annex I to Birds Directiveand 3 birds species enlisted in Polish Red Book of Animals. During the birds breeding season, the area is inhabited, at least, by 1% of country's population of the following birds species:

·         Black kite,

·         Red kite,

·         European Honey Buzzard,

·         Common Grasshopper Warbler,

·         Remiz,

·         In relatively high density,  there occurs corn crake and garganey.